I support and empower professional women (and the men they love) who want to get liberated from the tyranny of too much to do and yearn to have space to become fulfilled in their deepest needs.

Please click here for an article on the Power of the Heart in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. 

Hello! I’m Kirin

MCP, MSc, BArch

Certified Life Coach and Enneagram Consultant

What makes me especially passionate about the areas of coaching that I have targeted is how much they have transformed my own life. Coaches are about far more than coaching skills. They bring their own life experience into their value as a coach. They need their own struggles in order to be able to relate from the heart as well as the mind. It’s best that we have done our own transformative personal development in order to embody what we value.

We need to transmit something you can trust from your gut. Personally, I had to uncover and practice with the most holistic range of options in order to help myself in these same areas of greatest personal challenge, gaining incredibly encompassing insights. I see these areas as critical keystones in what challenges the majority of us. They form the foundation that unblocks the biggest potential to claim our lives.


I was born in London and mostly raised in Singapore. My multi-cultural upbringing included a German mother and Indian father, a beloved Indonesian nanny and mostly Chinese classmates. One sibling would go on to marry an Indian in Singapore, the other a Swede and move to Australia. I have a son who is half American-Jewish. My long-term relationship partner is White American. My multi-cultural background supports me in supporting those from other cultures.

I grew up in a three-generation home. Our parents had a strong marriage, and our grandparents had a fractured one. I loved books on human nature and was a strong English literature student. I was equally into creating art and building projects.

I studied Architecture at University and worked for the Changi Airport Development Division in Singapore. I did my Masters in the US and worked in transportation consultancies and the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District. I segued to flexible work while raising my son. Along the way, untimely, I lost my father and youngest sibling to different health-related events. I divorced, though we continued to co-manage a privately held property investment and management company. I sold my share to him after our son went to college. Overlapping this, I spent six years researching, developing, studying and practicing alongside completing formal qualifications. I re-invented myself to devote my next phase to my truest path.

I had first learned about the enneagram and life coaching when I sought expert help over struggles with time management and divisive parenting. I knew it was not just about the others in my life – something was also sitting on me that was inexplicably difficult to decipher. I was introduced to challenging work which became an amazing journey. The excitement of discovery and hope combined with enlightened, caring support carried me through leaving my comfort zone – an investment that has given me my dreams for all the rest of my life. Courage is not what we wait for in order to take action. It’s what grows AFTER we step into action. I’ve made mistakes as I’ve practiced, but I learned to reframe my mind. Mistakes are the data points we need to achieve excellence.

Today, I’ve never felt more whole, empowered and excited to use my gifts. I am a seeker, thinker, synthesizer, dreamer, creative, and also alarmingly practical ;). I value many things including wisdom and compassion. I absolutely love my work and my connections. My partner and I have achieved 11 years together. Growth never ends. Sometimes there will always be a lag to catch oneself. And that’s alright. We remain most lovable not by being infallible (absolutely impossible!), but simply by being willing to listen and to grow. There can still be so much sweetness (and stimulation!) around the growth squawks that keep us humble, ever human and relatable.

Master of City Planning, U. C. Berkeley

Master of Science (Transportation Engineering), U. C. Berkeley

Bachelor of Architecture (Honors), National University of Singapore

Coach U Core Essentials Graduate Certificate (this program is accredited by the International Coach Federation.)

Enneagram Practitioner:

Completion of many workshops including all core requirements towards certification. In the final (internship) phase of certification with The Narrative Enneagram founded by Helen Palmer and David Daniels, M.D.  (Stanford University).  Also attended workshops by The Enneagram Institute founded by Don Riso and Russ Hudson. Both schools are among the most highly-ranked globally.

Mind-Body Workshops:

Two-day Somatic Experiencing with Peter Levine

Two-day EQX Enneagram Embodiment with Andrea Isaacs under whom I continue to learn individually.


Experimentation with Neurofeedback

Inner-Child Healing with Lila Caffery MA. Completed intensive work in personal development.

Blog Writing

On-going Feminine Power workshop with Claire Zammit, Ph.D

Please click here for an article on Gender and Personality Empowerment in the Workplace.

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